Saturday, September 6, 2014

Preventing Abortion

There are many issues in America today such as violence, drugs, teenage pregnancy that is on a rise. There is also abortion which is what I chose to write about today due to the fact that it has been such a controversial and important issue of my generation although it has been an ongoing issue for centuries going back to 2600 B.C when the first recipe for an abortion producing drug. Since the 19th century English common law forbade abortion. Abortion prior to quickening (feeling life) was a misdemeanor and a felony after that. In the early 1800s it was discovered that human life did not begin when she “felt life” but at fertilization. In 1869 the British Parliament passed the “Offenses Against the Persons Act” Eliminating the bifid punishment and dropping the felony punishment back to fertilization, so across the middle years of the 19th century each state passed their own laws against abortion. In 1967 the first two states to legalize abortion was Colorado and California and by June 1970 New York passed the first abortion on demand law with a 24 week limit it became the 16th state to allow abortion while the other states were still very restrictive and only allowing abortions for pregnancies due to rape, incest, life of the mother or severe fetal handicap.

Abortion seems to be the importance of my generation because there are so many young girls getting pregnant and trying to take the easy way out by having an abortion but little do they know that, that coward way out is sometimes more painful and more risky then actually giving birth and that complications rates of abortion increase with younger teenage women, younger women who carry their baby to term have better births then older women if they get proper care. I don’t believe these girls/women are fully aware of the dangers this can impose on their mind, body, and spirit. Statistics show that one in four of our generation is not living because they were killed before they were born.

There are two fractions in this controversy that are apart in their views on abortion whereas the pro-choice movement contends that a women’s right to abortion is absolute, the pro-life choice asserts that a fetus’s right to life is indisputable. Because of this debate the 1973 U.S Supreme Court ruling in Roe VS Wade which legalized abortion based on the 14th amendments right to privacy.
Most Americans believe that abortions should be illegal with exceptions of rape and incest but the truth is most abortions are not for either of these two reasons, most abortions are done because of various of other reasons such as the mother being to young and having sex without any knowledge of what there doing, because the father doesn’t want to be apart of her life or the baby’s, or sometimes just because the women/girl doesn’t feel like they can handle it when I believe that god never puts to much on a person he feels like that they can’t handle it. There were other exceptions that were included in the bans on partial birth abortion that was proposed by congress.

Abortions have affected many different people in various ways everyone knows someone that has had an abortion rather you know it or not. One in every six women has had an abortion and it has had different affects on them many women that have had abortions have had major psychological problems such as depression and some times called post-abortion syndrome that comes after an abortion, bladder injury that can lead to peritonitis which is an inflamed infected lining of the abdomen, bowel injury. Breast cancer women who have aborted have higher rates of breast cancer later in life and has increased by 50% since abortions have been legalized, Ectopic (tubal) pregnancy which is a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus. After an abortion you are 8-20 times more likely to have one of these, Effects on future pregnancies like bleeding in the first three months, less likely to have a normal delivery, your next baby will be 3-4 times more likely to die in the first few months of life.

As I stated before abortions go back to ancient times and have been practiced by women all over the world using barbaric tools and odd instruments. This is why I believe that it’s a women’s choice to be able to have an abortion under certain guidelines but not because they had a one night stand and didn’t like the guy or just because you think you’re not ready, or because you think you’re parents might kill you, or my figure is going to be ruined if I have this baby. Many women have died t trying to self abort in ancient times and even a few today but its now less common because it was legalized in 1973 some people say that you cant be on both sides its either pro life or pro choice. I can’t really decide because in a way I feel like it’s a women’s choice if she wants to suffer through an abortion but I would never get one!!
So what should our government do about this issue?? I believe that the government should keep abortions legal with stipulations on them, along with educating the mothers about the complications that come along with having this procedure. Also start allowing the schools to have sex education classes to help them understand how and when sex is appropriate and if they are already sexually active how to use protection and birth control. A lot of people say it’s the parent’s job to educate their kids about sex but as the old saying goes it takes a village to raise a kid so why shouldn’t the schools be apart of the village?? The government should make it lawful to have an abortion ONLY if theirs a health risk to the mother or the baby, incest victims, and certain aged rape victims which is very rare case that a woman raped has become pregnant. I say certain aged rape victims only because a 9-12 year old girl that has been raped shouldn’t have to endure all that pain at such a young age not knowing how or what this is happening to her. So just to leave you with a few things to think about here are some quotes from the bible: “Ye that loves the LORD, HATE evil…” Psalms 97:10, “Thou shalt not kill.” Exodus 20:13, “As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: Even so thou knowest not the works of GOD who maketh all.” Ecclesiastes 11:5
A regretful abortion: “I am in my early twenties and two years ago, I found myself pregnant.
I love children and cannot wait to be a mother…but I was taken up in the idea that I wouldn’t be able to give up my baby for adoption, and I knew I couldn’t raise a child in my situation. I was living with a man I knew I wasn’t happy with and I knew it was wrong, no matter how you look at it. I let him help me to believe that abortion was the best way to deal with the situation. I grew up in a christen home and have always been a pro-life advocate! I thought abortion was the worst thing in the world you could ever do… and you know the sad thing? I still feel this way, only now, I have to live with the regret that I had an abortion. I carried my child in my womb for nine weeks. Do you realize that at nine weeks, you can see the child’s eyes, spinal cord, heart, fingers are starting to form…I have to live with this for the rest of my life. I know there are many people out there that think you can have an abortion and just forget about it the next day. It doesn’t work like that, I have tried so hard to let this go, and know that my child is in heaven and I will eventually meet him/her one day. But right now while I’m here I live with the regret, the guilt, the absolute disgust with myself, and though I’m working on forgiving myself, I know I will never forget!”

TO the government, parents, teachers, and counselors educate our young people about using birth control and condoms. If she’s already pregnant please, please let them know about the alternatives to abortion like adoption any thing to save a life there are plenty of loving families that cant have kids that want them. If you think birth control and condoms are to costly their not you can get them free all day long at the local clinics and that’s why we have Planned Parenthood and other places like it that helps with this sort of thing. Most people just don’t know so they need to be educated and this is were the government comes in and this is why one out every four have been killed and abortion will continue to be such a controversial issue.

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